LIMBA Library
Memorial Day Message 2023
Celebrating the meaning of the day As we stand by the graveside of a fallen soldier we are moved. That soldier may have been a casualty of a war but…
2022 Editorial on transportation
I have long advocated for the introduction of Maglev, but the present dysfunctionality of air travel helps me make the point that air travel is not, and cannot meet the…
Thanksgiving Message 2022
Whenever you read the news, you realize that the world suffers. This is nothing new. It has been going on for as long as I have been alive and of…
Labor Day 2022
There is no wealth in the world that did not emanate from working hands of the craftsman and/or the intellect of a worker. The portent of that observation should be…
A message on this July Fourth
The Journey to a More Perfect Union A few years ago, my wife and I were hosting a dinner party at our home in Centerport. We were talking about the…
Memorial Day 2022
This day of recognition and sacrifice cannot be confined to the those that have served and died while serving in the military. There are many more that did not die…
Essay on Energy
The prospect of having to deal with the most obnoxious regimes in the world is repugnant to all of us. On the other hand, we still need fossil fuels. The…
Public Education on Long Island: Shifting Demographics, Costs & Outcomes. Why it Matters?
Julie Lutz, Ph.D. Chief Operating Officer of Eastern Suffolk BOCES, discusses the future of education on Long Island. Download the presentation slides here.
Award-Winning Broadcast Journalist Waldo Cabrera Discusses “Black History from an Afro-Caribbean Standpoint” at LIMBA
On February 25, Waldo Cabrera, an award-winning broadcast journalist, spoke at LIMBA’s (Long Island Metro Business Action) virtual meeting on the topic “Black History from an Afro-Caribbean Standpoint.” During his…
Martin Luther King Day, 2022
MLK Jr. Has always intrigued me as a leader. In his day he may have been viewed as a radical, but in fact he was just asking America to live…