Christmas 2024
Christmas is supposed to be fun and a time to embrace the people we love. Are we doing that? I’m not sure, but I do believe that we have more control over our feelings than we usually give ourselves credit for.
President Nixon was not right about a lot of things, but he was correct when he said, “Always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself.”This time may be a good time to practice telling the important people in your life that you love them. After a while, these family members will begin to appreciate the thought that they are loved and would be more likely to return that sentiment.This practice is particularly important if your arguments have been political in nature. These arguments are poison. They never resolve anything. They only result in us losing some of our humanity. When faced with fending off a political diatribe, the best defense is no rebuttal at all. Entering into the political arena makes a fool out of all of us.The best approach is to listen and wear a nice smile. When the diatribe is done, you simply say, “I love you, but I don’t agree with anything you just said.” If you are pressed, just look at that angry person, and say, “I have a different take on those things and, since we will not agree, why don’t we talk about something else?”
That may not thoroughly defuse their anger, but at least you were not the person nibbling on the linoleum.
Ernie Fazio