LIMBA Library

Letter to President Bush regarding Amtrak funding

August 4, 2003

Big Band Dinner Dance – Aug 16, 2003

July 12, 2003

LIMBA member discount program – Vanson Financial

June 23, 2003

Airline Folly vs Transportation Matrix

December 17, 2002

Op-Ed Piece Airline Folly vs Transportation Matrix Ernest M. Fazio, Chairman, Long Island Midsuffolk Business Action PO Box 135, Centerport NY 11721 tel 631 757-1698 Prior to September 11th 2001…

LI@Work – NY Times article about LIMBA

June 2, 2002

Still Speaking His Mind After All These Years NY Times – June 2 2002 The talk that drew a standing-room-only crowd at a Ronkonkoma hotel on a recent Friday morning…

LIMBA Endorses New Gas Supply Across LI Sound

May 10, 2002

May 5, 2002 At a crowded meeting of Long Island Midsuffolk Business Action, support for a new gas pipeline across the sound was endorsed unanimously by voice vote. According to…

Chairman’s address

May 15, 2001

LIMBA Chairman’s Address After reading the section of this website that tells the history of this organization, you may think this organization is large. It is not. However whatever we…

LIMBA Freight victory

January 1, 1970

LIMBA Rail Freight Initiative-  A Big Win for Long Island Many months ago LIMBA invited the principals of the new Brookhaven Rail Terminal to make a presentation of their proposed…

LIMBA Freight victory

January 1, 1970

LIMBA Rail Freight Initiative-  A Big Win for Long Island Many months ago LIMBA invited the principals of the new Brookhaven Rail Terminal to make a presentation of their proposed…

Martin Luther King Jr – 2014

January 1, 1970

MLK – Thoughts of this day. When Barak Obama was elected president there were tears of hope and a sense that something was happening  that was a few years ago…