LIMBA Library

July 4th Essay — Ernie Fazio

January 8, 2007

“When I saw the statue of Liberty tears ran down my face,” recalls Eva Zeisel, “because I knew I was home.”    Eva Zeisel is a world famous pottery artist…

Memorial Day essay – Ernie Fazio

January 8, 2007

Members and friends We celebrate Memorial Day and thank the many thousands of men and women that have given so much for the preservation of this great nation.   There…

Labor Day Essay – Ernie Fazio

January 8, 2007

This piece is merely one man’s opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the LIMBA Board, EMF I had the honor and privilege of serving as an official…

Holiday thoughts 2006 from Ernest Fazio

December 20, 2006

The following comments are my opinions, and mine alone not sanctioned by LIMBA. Please feel free to comment   Members and friends I looked back at the message for last…

July 4th A Remembrence

July 4, 2006

 July 4th 2006 -Ernie Fazio   “When I saw the statue of Liberty tears ran down my face,” recalls Eva Zeisel, “because I knew I was home.”    Eva Zeisel…

Editorial: Public Works

March 6, 2006

Members and friends:   Last week our speaker, Congressman Nadler, advanced a proposal about a very large public works project. The idea was, crossing New York Harbor with a tunnel from Brooklyn…

Holiday message 2005 from Ernie Fazio

December 30, 2005

Friends   This holiday is anticipated by me and my family with the greatest hopes. But despite those hopes I am very concerned about how we are dealing with each…

LIMBA tidbits: September 2005

September 27, 2005

Members and friends, Here are some thoughts for us to ponder. LIMBA routinely champions those projects that are, on balance, a plus to the environment. We rarely stress the environmental…

A Tribute to Paul Townsend

May 9, 2005

May 1 2005   Members and Friends: On Saturday morning about 3AM Paul Townsend succumbed to a long illness at his home in Bellport. We regret the loss of a…

Railroad Museum of Long Island fund raising dinner

March 25, 2005

On March 24th the Railroad Museum of Long Island ran a very successfull fund raising dinner. The museum has grown in recent years and now has a number of family friendly…

Horace Hagedorn Tribute

February 4, 2005

I had the pleasure of meeting Horace Hagedorn in the last year of his life. Three times at dinner with friends and on several other occasions. He liked to hear…

Horace Hagedorn Tribute

February 4, 2005

I had the pleasure of meeting Horace Hagedorn in the last year of his life. Three times at dinner with friends and on several other occasions. He liked to hear…