The Significance Of Black History Month

I never thought much about that very specific body of knowledge. This is an important and significant segment of our population. When programs about Black History started I was curious…

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Ryan Madden recap

Click here for a link to an an upcoming forum on this topic Here is a list of resources provided by the speakerThe speaker can be reached at 877-235-6537 or…

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President’s Day Musings

President’s Day Is a consolidation of Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthday. Recently it has become a recognition of the services of all presidents. That was a a noble thought but a…

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Observations on the “Green New Deal”

The President has embarked on what is being called “The Green New Deal”. Here are some of the pluses and minuses that I see.In my opinion that these changes were…

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Mitch Palley Recap

On February 5, Mitch Pally, Long Island Builders Institute CEO, discussed the urgency of redeveloping underutilized shopping centers on Long Island during the LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action) meeting.…

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