Railroad Museum of Long Island fund raising dinner
March 25, 2005
On March 24th the Railroad Museum of Long Island ran a very successfull fund raising dinner. The museum has grown in recent years and now has a number of family friendly events that we should be supporting and enjoying. LIMBA’s secretary, Bonnie Cornett is a very active member of the museum and has been as instrumental in the Railroad Museum’s success as anyone there. Liz Irwin is a long term friend of LIMBA and is now the Executive Director as of March 1, 2005 Good Luck Liz!
Another member, Brookhaven National Lab, will have an event on April 18th at 4PM in Berkner Hall “How Photosynthesis Might Provide A Key to Future Energy Needs” This a free program call 613 344-2345. BNL has been the source of many great scientific advance, maybe they are onto one more.