Chairman’s address
LIMBA Chairman’s Address
After reading the section of this website that tells the history of this organization, you may think this organization is large. It is not. However whatever we lack in size we more than make up for with clarity of purpose.
Despite the successes of the past, the challenges of the future are many and formidable. Formidable does not mean impossible. Forging a future for this region will take creativity and hard work. But the most important factor is leadership. We could lament the lack of leadership from those people we elected to lead, but their failure to lead is our opportunity. Our leaders must be put on notice that we are here to help them achieve the objectives that they set when they ran for public office. We must always make them understand that if they can’t or wont shoulder the responsibility of leadership others will.
LIMBA is an organization that prides itself with an approach to solutions that has no inherent trust in any political party’s program. We trust and support those in politics who deliver, period. If there is a political race, we will invite each person running for that office to state his or her case
These weekly gatherings are designed to inform. And for the most part they achieve that purpose. But there is another dynamic taking place as well.
Our weekly meetings cover a wide variety of subjects. The topics vary from educational issues, environmental issues, infrastructure issues, transportation and quality of life issues. That would include housing, baseball fields, museums, theaters and entertainment, and many more topics. At other times we will have elected and appointed people from local, state, and federal levels of government explain policy issues. And, on at least one occasion, we had a presentation from Long Island’s famous “God Squad.”
Many of us are business people, some of us represent educational, institutions, others are representatives of local government, but the fact is anyone is welcome. I believe this format and our agenda makes for a rewarding and productive way to end the week.
Having said all of the above, our real reason for being is our action agenda. Our action agenda give focus and purpose to LIMBA.
LIMBA’s Action Agenda
1) Cross Sound Transportation
Presently we are in desperate need of better transportation across Long Island Sound. We believe the best way to increase cross sound traffic are new ferry systems, and improving the present ferry systems. A bridge or tunnel may be better, but that will take more time.
2) East End Traffic Relief
Another transportation issue we have embraced is the traffic going out to Southampton and beyond. There presently is a proposal that would make a major contribution to relieve traffic by using the LIRR right of way more creatively. Dr Clifford Bragdon has completed the initial design work and will shepherd that effort.
3) Energy Demonstration and Education Center
Alternatives and “energy smart” construction of new residences and commercial buildings must be promoted. The concept of an “Energy Demonstration and Education Center” will be another focal point of LIMBA. The funding and building of the center is our goal.
We will limit our action focus to just a few issues. Action issues will have a chairman assigned to that issue. Each chairman will be responsible for championing that issue.
In addition we will publish a list of other improvement opportunities that political people may want to use as campaign issues. We will do all we can to provide enough information to create public awareness, in order to make change possible.
We will encourage other organizations that want to effect public policy to join with us and support worthy endeavors.
We will do what we have done so successfully in the past, and that is, to make Long Island a better place to live and do business.
Ernest M. Fazio
Chairman, LIMBA