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Rod Zuch, Exec Dir, The Morgan Center

March 12, 2004 @ 12:00 am EST


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This presentation was from Rod Zuch and Nancy Zuch,Directors of The Morgan Center.
The Morgan Center was borne out of an experience with a child with Leukemia.
Young children cannot be assimilated with other children when their imune systems are compromised by Chemo-theraby.
Rod and Nancy wanted to provide a pre-school
experience for their stricken child Morgan. The Zuch’s became painfully aware that they would not be able to provide that experience that is essential to a child’s development under any program that existed at that time.

Rod and Nancy set out to create the program that is known as “The Morgan Center” and have created a resource that is available to other children at no cost the parents.
Today’s presentation was a moving example of an initiative that was created out of a painful experience for this family.

One of The Morgan Centers benafactors, Smith-Barney in Melville sponsored this mornings meeting. The Smith Barney manager, Tom Brown, introduced the speaker.