42 events found.
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The Future of Wireless on Long Island – Changing needs and evolving technology With Marc Alessi
The Future of Wireless on Long Island – Changing needs and evolving technology With Marc Alessi
Marc Alessi is an attorney/lobbyist, as well as a serial startup tech entrepreneur. As an attorney and lobbyist Marc has provided outside counsel services to a number of technology companies like Extenet Systems, Inc. the nation's largest installer of small cell distributed wireless infrastructure the topic of our LIMBA presentation. In addition to his consulting…
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The Importance and Challenges of Rail Freight With John Gleeson
The Importance and Challenges of Rail Freight With John Gleeson
Prior to joining New York and Atlantic Railway as Director of Sales and Marketing John Gleeson had been working on the customer side of the rail business for nearly 20 years. In the early part of his career he managed a tank car fleet for chemical and automotive shipper Old World Industries in Northbrook, IL.…