Help Us Continue to Bring You High-Quality Programs
For over fifty years, LIMBA has provided Long Islanders with access to local government officials, business leaders, and activists for change. Our bi-weekly programs provide lively discussions and thoughtful commentary on topics of critical importance to both the Long Island business community and the general public
Allows us to present topics and speakers like these:

Suffolk County Executive, Steve Bellone
Suffolk County District Attorney, Timothy Sini
Suffolk Chief of Police. Geraldine Hart
Huntington town Supervisor, Chad Lupinacci
Islip Town Supervisor, Angie Carpenter
MacArthur Airport Commissioner, Shelley LaRose
National Grid President, John Bruckner
MTA/LIRR President, Phillip Eng
Nassau Suffolk Hospital Council President, Kevin Dunhill
Economist, Martin Cantor
Newsmax Commentator, Steve Levy
Former NYS Supreme Court Judge Sol Wachtler
Stony Brook Advanced Energy Research Chairman, Bob Catell
Hofstra University Dean, Lawrence Levy
St. Joseph College President, Donald Boomgaarden
Local 1049 President, Patrick Guidice
Long Island Contractors Association President, Marc Herbst