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LIMBA Randy Altschuler

August 3, 2012 @ 12:00 am EDT


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Our LIMBA speaker this morning was Randy Altchuler, the Republican congressional candidate for the 1st congressional district, a seat that is presently occupied by Tim Bishop.

Mr. Altchuler addressed the audience stating that job creation would be of paramount importance. One of the impediments to higher employment according to Mr. Altchuler was regulation. I pointed out to the speaker that there are some regulations that are beneficial to the public as protection. When asked about the Glass- Steagal Act he was not sure. (Glass Steagal Act separated banking and investment houses since the days of FDR) It was disassembled over the past three presidents. Its removal has been cited as one the causes of our recent financial debacle.

Mr. Altschuler told us that he could work in an independent bi-partisan way in congress. During the Q&A Mike Cooney asked if he signed the famous Grover Norquist tax pledge. He said he had. The follow-up from the same person then asked, “Where is your allegiance to Norquist or the Constitution? Randy said the pledge also reflects the wishes of the people he expects to represents.

Altschuler spoke about the Affordable Healthcare Act otherwise known as Obama Care. He stated that there were some desirable aspects of the legislation but he objected to the size and scope. He did not say he would try to repeal it. He left us with the impression he would look for some modifications, but was not specific.

The topic of size and scope began a new area of discussion. Most legislation is too large and generally incomprehensible. The audience was solidly with him on this point. We all know why omnibus bills are presented and that is to hide all sorts of “goodies” for one or more special interests.

Randy stated that infrastructure funding was essential and he would support it. It was pointed out to him that the Republicans in the house have not voted for infrastructure projects. I asked since the party was committed to making Barack Obama a one term president, how would that happen? Randy said ‘that’s a loaded question”. I agreed, it was a loaded question, but I wasn’t making it up, those were Mitch McConnell’s words. Altschuler insisted that he understood the issue well enough to know investments in transportation and other projects were essential.

Chris Garvey, a Ron Paul supporter, was in the room and asked if the candidate would join in abolishing the Federal Reserve. He stated that he would not support such an effort.

Victor Yannacone posed several items, one on taxing people such as hedge fund operators the same as most other people. Another was revising corporate taxes to encourage investment while discouraging debt, and still another to re-instate the penny tax on stock transactions that would discourage the mega-trading that has disrupted the stock market. (That tax if it did not discourage the same behavior would raise many billions of dollars.)

This audience was very active during the Q&A and it was clear that that they are not bashful about asking pointed question even if they were politely phrased.

Greenworld Marketing a company that promotes the use and installation in the most efficient compact and safe wind energy technology sponsored this meeting. Greenworld also owns technology for the building of high-speed ferries.

Thank You Gerry Fitzpatrick for your sponsorship