2020 Refocus
LIMBA Goals in the Past and Outlook for 2020
What We have Been Doing
The future is truly unknowable, but our planning is what we control. We move forward and try to make a difference. At LIMBA we begin by keeping informed. We produce programs that contain useful information on relevant topics
Here is what we are thinking about as we embark on the next 12 months
The environment
This is a very big topic. We had Dr. Tanecredi speak on the protection of the vital animal life, specifically the horseshoe crab and we were informed about its medical uses. We also had a discussion on the water quality of the surrounding bays
On another occasion we Had Suffolk County Water Authority Chairman Pat Halpin give us an overview of the drinking water and what we are constantly learning about maintaining the high quality water we demand
Recreations & Facilities
We are blessed with many great beaches and parks last year we had the superintendent of the Fire Island National Seashore Alexy Romero tell us more about this wonderful resource and what we need to do to protect it. From the State Parks of Long Island we had Director George Hoffman speak on the availability of parks and the state of repair
Rails LIMBA has been a supporter of improvements on the Long Island Rail Road and in fact we were instrument in the electrification of the Ronkonkoma line. We are now supporting the electrification of the Port Jefferson line
Airport at MacArthur
This regional airport has been recognized by LIMBA as being essential to the economic health of this Long Island area- Years ago we created a plan under the leadership of Paul Townsend of Long Island Business News and Dick Dunne of Grumman called “USE IT OR LOSE IT” It worked and we have to revisit that old strategy
Maglev Train System
We have been promoting the MAGLEV and we have been inquiring about the viability of a demonstration project that would run a single car on a single track from Ronkokoma to Greenport every 40 minutes making 4 stops and maintain an average speed of 160 miles per hour
We will be asking members who would like to volunteer on any project to let us know. It will be interesting!
Ernie Fazio , Bill Miller, Marguerite Moore, and Ken Nevor